Nitty Gritty Detect & Protect
Nitty Gritty Detect and Protect
This kit includes a nice big 250ml bottle of Nitty Gritty Conditioning Defence Spray and of course the fabulous award-winning Nitty Gritty NitFree Comb.
The amazing, award-winning Nitty Gritty NitFree Comb is unlike any other product on the market, the patented micro spiral comb is the only head lice product to remove not only the smallest head lice as well as the nits (the empty egg cases) but also, most importantly, it even removes the unhatched 'live' head louse eggs, which is the main cause of repeated infestations.
And the much-loved Conditioning Defence Spray offers real everyday protection against re-infestation. Once you have checked and treated the whole family, a regular daily squirt for everyone of our fresh-fragranced Conditioning Defence Spray will offer you and your family real protection – even if your children are in a school or play environment where there is a high level of head louse infestation. It's an eco-friendly atomiser bottle, too... not an aerosol.
And finally…
Remember to ‘Spread the word, not the lice!....so pass this fantastic offer onto your friends, family and other mums at school. The more children who are nit free, the less likely your children are to be reinfested!
Any questions about head lice and nits, or about any of our products? Please contact Nitty Gritty via mums@nittygritty.co.uk – it's always a pleasure to hear from a Nitty Gritty customer!